So I've been looking for a really good photo editing program. I love iPhoto, but the problem is there is no simple way to resize the photos, all modifications are saved separately and cannot replace the original which means 2 copies, eating up my HD space. Plus, viewing the individual files in iPhoto is a hassle.
The best one so far, for me, right now is Pixelmator. Once I get that all set up and resize some of my photos, I will be posting them in my Picasa gallery. I'll post the link here.
In the meantime, I'd like to see any photos you have, whether they're in a photo gallery or not. If you have one, feel free to post a link in a comment.
For now, here is one of my new favorite pictures.
The one. The only. The lovely... Ella-fant.
What a coinkidink.... This is my favorite photo right now too!! I must admit that I'm a bit biased though...